Open the file "first.html" we created before in notepad and then add the comment (in green) after the html tag and then save the document and close notepad (NB: Comments can be placed anywhere in a HTML code).
<!--this is my first comment -->
<title>the world is ending</title></head>
<body bgcolor="ffff00">is the letters showing?
When we open it up in a browser, apparently nothing changed and there wasn't even an error yet we added something to our code
Apart from adding description that explains a code, comments is also used to prevent a block of code from being rendered without deleting it. For instance i can make the text in the web page disappear using a comment tag without having to delete it physically. To achieve This, just open the the page with a notepad, remove the previous comments we added above (if you ) and then enclose the text in the body of the page within a comment tag and save. Open the HTML document with a web browser and SHAZAM! The text is gone without you deleting it. This practice is known as "commenting out" a code and is used when debugging a HTML file manually to detect a problematic code.
<title>the world is ending</title>
<body bgcolor="yellow"><!--is the letters showing?-->
Another practice that makes a code easy to read and more beautiful is Indentation. indenting your codes makes it look nice and you can easily dictate which tag contains which. In a nested tags (tags containing other tags), the opening tag and the closing tag of the daughter tags starts after a few spaces from the parent tag and maintains the margin till it's the tag is closed. The code above when indented looks as illustrated below:
<title>the world is ending</title>
<body bgcolor="yellow"><!--is the letters showing?-->
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